Diagnosing Air Leaks in Building Enclosures 1.0 CEU/HSW
February 20 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
The need for new construction airtightness has been growing for decades, but has been booming in the last 10 years specifically. While airtightness testing is required in some jurisdictions by energy codes, other projects may have a specification requirement or an energy program requirement. In these cases, a whole-building, or partial-building test will occur. When airtightness testing results in a failing grade, diagnostic testing is typically performed to locate the breaches so they can be repaired. This presentation will help identify how these diagnostic tests are performed along with their pros and cons.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn common test methods used for locating air leaks in building enclosures
- Apply the most appropriate diagnostic techniques to specific
- Adjust testing techniques for environmental conditions
- Analyze the results
Mike Poirier, QED Lab
Mike Poirier brings over 15 years of experience in building science consulting and testing, specializing in exterior waterproofing and weather resistance. He holds a rare Level III certification for whole-building air barrier testing and has conducted over 10,000 window tests and tested over 21 million square feet of air barriers. A former consulting manager for leading Pacific Northwest architectural firms, Mike is also a published author of industry articles, an equipment innovator, and a technical expert in forensic diagnostics, ASTM testing, and technical report writing.