1600 Boston-Providence Hwy Walpole, MA 02081
+1 866-956-5888
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Customized Learning Experiences

Education courses on various air barrier subjects providing CEU credits

ABAA offers on-demand courses providing CEU/HSW credits towards your career in building construction. These courses are focused on new materials, industry codes, installation best practices, roof-to-wall connections, along with many other subjects pertinent to all things air barrier. 

Below are the current courses offered with the top courses attended highlighted. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear from other building professionals.

Course Listing

Presentation Title Description Credits Action
Updates in Whole Building Airtightness Whole building airtightness testing has been a code compliance option in the International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1 for some time. That compliance option is rarely used and only becomes mandatory as part of a building owners’ requirements, or a specific state or jurisdictional requirement. As we move towards net-zero, building codes will “tighten” up and is expected to become a test that is mandatory on a more country-wide basis. It is important to understand the latest in test methods, current and projected code requirements, training and certification requirements and resources to allow you to specify this requirement. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
New Standards and Tools to Update Your Air Barrier Specifications The presentation will review some of the tools available in regards to specifying different levels of building airtightness above code-mandated minimums. These tools help assess the energy reduction from base levels of building airtightness and the corresponding financial savings, along with quantification of the impacts airtightness has on moisture movement transported by air leakage.

A look into changes to building codes and whole building airtightness test methods, with new test methods and standards to update your specifications, along with information on the ABAA quality assurance program, how to specify the program properly and exactly what the program entails.

1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
Quality Assurance or Quality Control: What to Specify for High Performance Building Enclosure There seems to be a lack of understanding of what quality assurance entails versus quality control, the fundamental differences between the two, and what each function brings to the table. This is not unique to the ABAA air barrier quality assurance program or the construction industry in general. These terms are used interchangeably and misunderstood in all industries. In this presentation, a discussion of how to implement quality assurance and quality control will be explored specific to the building enclosure, and the steps you can take to ensure a high-performance building. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
It’s Not Raining – Where is the Water Coming From? Moisture Movement in Building Enclosures Water damage is the number one cause resulting in lawsuits against builders. In the spring, the roof leaks, but it has not rained for months. Where is the water coming from? I used high-permeable materials in the building construction, so why do I have moisture problems? I have been constructing buildings for decades; I never had a moisture problem in the past, so why am I getting them now? This presentation shows the ways that moisture moves in the building and why moisture problems are showing up in today’s construction. The energy and moisture transport calculator is used to provide some of the answers to these questions. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
Designing Walls for Control of Air, Water, Thermal, and Vapor This presentation reviews a variety of building types to discuss the continuity of detailing required to manage moisture, air, vapor, and thermal performance, as well as wind resistance requirements at the critical wall-to-roof interface. This session will provide guidelines to successfully navigate these often competing interests and provide strategies for achievable performance through design and specification without compromising the aesthetics with distracting details for commercial building wall systems. This presentation discusses the impacts of whole building performance, design requirements, material & assembly requirements, and installation verification requirements during construction. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
Moisture Movement in Building Enclosures Roof leaks and water in wall assemblies are not good for the building. The first reaction is: let’s fix the leak, but then you realize that it is not raining. If there is no rain, you should not get bulk water entry. We overlook the real reason for water in building assemblies because we do not consider all means of moisture transport. Many people then jump to the conclusion that the material used as a water-resistive barrier does not have a high enough perm rating. This presentation will cover all the ways that moisture moves in a building, show why you should not rely on the perm rating of a single material and show you where you could get thousands of gallons of water into the building envelope. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI
Cracking Why Buildings Move Building movement will happen whether or not we want it to. If we do not account for where movement will occur, during design and construction, the building will find its own way to move. This course will cover why building movement joints are needed, the differences between various types of joints, how expansion joints should provide continuity of the air and water control layers, as well as samples of what failures can occur. We will also review a case study showing failures which can happen when expansion joints are not designed and installed. 1.0 CEU/HSW or 1.0 GBCI

Other Education Options

Live Webinar Schedule

Weekly ABAA webinars are focused on industry standards, new codes, best practices, and more. Join thousands in enhancing your knowledge in all things air barrier.

Webinar Schedule

Customized Learning Experience

In-person education courses offer various subjects focused on the air barrier industry, providing CEU credits to both members and non-members of the ABAA.

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CEU On Demand

On-demand education webinars and presentations are available for air barrier professionals and offer CEU credits.

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Air Barrier Rodeo/Symposium

Half-day and full day presentations combined with hands-on training is offered through the Air Barrier Rodeo. This is a great way to enhance your air barrier knowledge.

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