Architect: HED Associates
General Contractor: Barton Malow
Location: 1109 Geddes Ave, Ann Arbor, MI
Type: University Addition & Renovation
Value: $150 million
Building Area (sq. ft.): 100,000
Total Air Barrier Area (sq. ft.): 36,700
This historic renovation project included AVB of masonry back up walls that transitioned to numerous dissimilar materials at or below various exterior facade types including terracotta, stone, metal panels, glazing systems, and roofing. Coordination, communication, and precise execution were key to the project’s success for IS1, and affected sub trades.
Accredited Contractor: Industrial Services Inc.
Air Barrier Installers: Cody Wilson, Jake Jarvis, TJ Martolock, Rick Morais
“W. R. Meadows is a manufacturer of air barrier materials and is always promoting the proper installation of these materials into the overall air-barrier system to ensure proper performance of the building, including energy savings and reduced moisture damage. Training and quality assurance is critical to the success of this, and as a result, we have found that ABAA-accredited contractors understand this. They have training for installation of these materials, along with having the ability to do some onsite quality testing by themselves and with third-party auditors, to provide assurance that the air barrier is installed correctly.”
– Jason Davoodi, Marketing Communications Supervisor | W. R. Meadows, Inc.